Spiritual Protection and Energetic Defense E-books
In "The Impeccable Warrior of Light: Become a Master of Your Golden Energy", Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song shares Her shamanic insight on how you can reclaim your Divine Energy, align with your Divine Essence and empower your Soul to complete its deepest purpose.Each page brims with priceless wisdom from Peace Mother’s EnLightened perspective on how positive and negative energies affect your Golden Energy, the Golden Light and Life Force that powers your daily decisions and Highest Destiny. The Holy Mother provides practical guidance on how to augment your Golden Life Force and boost the Light in every area of your Life. In this Life-enhancing book, Peace Mother reveals how you can eliminate negative energies that rob you of your Golden Energy, to live as an Impeccable Warrior of Light. With this clear, EmPowering Wisdom, you can move through Life with impeccable awareness, conscious use of your Golden Energy and potent spiritual protection practices that connect you with your Divine Guidance in a greater way. The Impeccable Warrior of Light Wisdom speaks to all spiritual paths, gathering the most essential universal truths that will surely illuminate your own Life Journey. If you are ready to live a Life of Self Love, Peace, Wisdom and steady Oneness with your spiritual destiny, then this is the sacred book you’ve been waiting for!
As we expand our consciousness, we come to realize that the most precious jewels are the spiritual Truths which set us free. Wisdom is truly priceless… especially Wisdom Teachings that have been passed down through a lineage of Masters over several generations. "Lightworker’s Energetic Protection: Transforming Darkness to Light" is one such collection of Teachings, absolutely rich and replete with the life-saving descriptions of how to foster your own personal relationship with the Light in order to protect your sacred Life Force from the various dark forces and energies which try to prey upon it. Are you sensitive? Do you find yourself feeling, at every level, the pain of others whose paths you cross? Do you feel you are bombarded by impressions of others’ suffering? Whether it is you who is sensitive or someone dear to you, you will be relieved to read Peace Mother’s teachings for sensitive people, which illuminate the relationship between an open, receptive person and psychic sensitivity. Understanding your sensitive nature will help clarify why you are often subject to feeling so much pain and darkness. Peace Mother’s empowering insights and affirmations can transform your life as they have done for people throughout the world. Her words will provide you priceless guidance for interacting with friends, family, community, Mother Earth and your Spirit Guides as an unstoppable, unshakable Lightworker. Are you ready to heal yourself, break free of negative patterns and become brighter/stronger on ALL levels? With refreshing honesty, Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song imparts the degree of devotion and committed application it takes to stand up and fight against the dark forces effectively. Her testimony will fortify you in generating your own determination and dedication to the Light, so you can start winning the battles you’ve been waging throughout your life. If you are ready to take the next steps in your Energetic Protection, then do not wait to get started! These enlightening Wisdom Teachings are a gift to humanity, and you have the incredible opportunity in Lightworker’s Energetic Protection: Transforming Darkness to Light to begin implementing these time-tested techniques, tools, and affirmations immediately. Begin RIGHT NOW to protect your Luminous Energy from attacks by dark forces and experience quantum leaps in your Luminous Awareness and Power. As Peace Mother became a Master Lightworker, so can you!
Have you ever felt a strange vibe when walking past a particular object in your home… An antique vase; a piece of furniture; a toy someone gave your children for their birthday; a clock that used to hang in your place of business? Did you dismiss the feeling as “crazy” or provide yourself some other excuse for waving it away? In this profound book, EnLightened Master and Shaman Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song addresses exactly this feeling and explains that you are not crazy… in fact, these kinds of sensations are very real and are alerting you to the negative vibrations given off by something in your environment. Not only does the Holy Mother elucidate, in detail, why and how objects would have become imbued with such energy, She also discusses how negative energy can sneak into your Life through a myriad of ways… including clothing, jewelry, books, email, other electronic media, and on and on. And that’s just inanimate things; what about people? Have you ever felt a disconcerting wave come over you when you interacted with a particular person, or even just passed them on the sidewalk? Peace Mother goes into this also, opening your eyes to the vast array of energies people can carry and why it’s so important to learn to discern the quality of energy you are encountering on a daily basis. A vital aspect of Energetic Protection that cannot be stressed enough is the phenomenon of energetic cords. Addressing their significance, Peace Mother clarifies how energetic cords can control your interaction and behavior with someone who knows how to cord you in order to gain access to your affection, money, resources, or praise. These cords are so influential that the Holy Mother spends two entire sections of the book on the topic, covering in detail exactly how to cut such cords so that you’re no longer bound by their impact on your Life, prosperity, relationships, and psyche. To help you take immediate action towards your freedom from negative cords, She provides multiple techniques that are easy to implement. The Holy Mother approaches another topic that very much needs to be dealt with in today’s society: mind-altering substances. Thorough and complete in Her discourse, She covers everything from alcohol to marijuana, from ayahuasca to pharmaceutical drugs. Peace Mother expertly conveys just how problematic they are for our long-term health, safety, well-being, and perhaps most importantly, Energetic Protection. Her profound spiritual knowledge on this matter will assist you and your dear ones in fully comprehending how these substances can and will make holes in the aura, and the dire consequences that can follow. Take greater charge of your Life Force and Light by diving into these liberating Wisdom Teachings today! As your eyes open to the energetic realities around you and the solutions available for protecting, healing and illuminating your mind, body and Soul with impeccable Energetic Protection, you can fortify your energetic field and accelerate the quantum blossoming of your Soul Journey!